Friday 9 January 2015

Relationship Works By Default Modes!


 If you don’t know what mode your #relationship or #marriage is working then you might need to read this and decide and if necessary reset the default mode in your relationship or marriage.
A #default mode is when almost every drama in your relationship boils down to or revolve round a past issue that in reality have been dealt with but that actually now well enough, or on the positive side, a situation or event that anytime it is talked about or remembered it always give the same feel good effect and emotion.

Practically, all relationship has at least one default mode in which some other issues are related with or to. But the problem is that not many are aware of these modes and therefore cannot consciously work at making use of it to keep the relationship strong. Another problem is the resetting of unfavourable modes; though it is not as difficult as not knowing the modes itself.

To determine the modes in your relationship, think about your last three disagreements or argument determine the reason for it and possibly what other past argument or misunderstanding does it have a link... if you could find trace links then sure that is one bad  mode that your relationship is set to. Positively too, think of the some of the happy moments in your marriage and relationship... what are the occasion? What circumstance? Think of at least three occasions and see if there is a link. What do you do to make him/her so feel loved? What do you give or didn’t do? What do you say? Etc. The links are sure to be the default mode buttons!

If you want some quarrels, just go ahead with the kind talk and action that breed bitter arguments... but if you want to change the mode default do more of the feel good mode... the more and often you press the button the more you are sure to reset the default mode. The problem is we press the tip off button more than we press the feel good button!

By a rule: Never do the thing that will kindle your partner’s anger or irritation... that is if you are aware of the default #modes!

Your views are most welcome...

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