Sunday 4 January 2015


“I’m a single guy. I love going out and I can still get girls to come home with me. Why would I want to settle down and get married?”

Wow. Great question.

Before I share my response, I want to say that only you can truly answer this for yourself. I’m not here to convince anyone of anything or to make any judgements whatsoever. #Marriage is not for everybody, and it may not be right just because you’re at the age where you feel like you “should” be getting married. It can’t be forced.

I felt my friend was legitimately seeking an answer here. I started mumbling stuff about wanting a #family but then it hit me and I suddenly blurted out: “Commitment exists to teach us how to #love.”

You see, many people think that the way they feel in the beginning of a #relationship will be captured forever if they get married. Or that marriage can be their sole source of #happiness. Most people who’ve been married for awhile will tell you this isn’t the case. Sure, it can be a great source of happiness and fulfillment. And you can feel very much in love. But you probably won’t feel happy or in love all of the time. You have to have other areas of your life you feel passionate about, other friendships and relationships that give you joy.

Commitment can teach us how to love in a way that those first few months of a relationship can’t. It’s a vehicle for growth. An opportunity to see someone for who they really are. To see their fears, doubts, insecurities, annoyances and their kindness, talents, tenderness and wisdom. To see of all this and still choose love again and again–t o see your own insecurities rear their ugly head and to choose forgiveness towards yourself. This type of love is born from commitment. It’s both hard and easy, fast and slow, beautiful and ugly. A dance between two people. An act of creation.

You can only want to get married and have a lasting relationship even in marriage when you know that #COMMITMENT really means Staying true to only ONE person till Death!

Written by Alexis Meads


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