Tuesday 27 January 2015


 Here’s what happens when you find the right relationship.

Here are 6 things that happens in the right relationship:
1. You will expand your horizons...
2. You will always have a cheerleader...
3. Their love will make you more confident...

Continued from part one...

4. Someone loves you for you.
When we are single and dating, there is often times a pressure to always be our best self, especially when meeting someone new. Now, of course we always want to be learning, improving, and being our best when we are in a relationship also, but there is a flexibility and freedom to also just be you and know that someone will love and accept it just the same.

5. You always have someone to talk to.
We all need to vent every once in awhile, even if we don’t like to admit it. Sure, we can talk to friends or family, but opening up to the man or woman you love just feels different, especially when you know they will listen and support you unconditionally. Also, you know they will be honest and set you straight when you need it.

6. Events and traveling become more exciting. 
Whether it be a company party or a trip to Europe, knowing you get to experience these things with the person you love will immediately enhance the experience in a way that going by yourself or with a platonic friend just…wouldn’t.

The real beauty of a relationship is when you are two separate individuals, but are united as one. You have someone who loves and accepts you as you are today, but also motivates and encourages you to continue improving and becoming your best.
You have a built in support system and teammate in life. We should stop thinking of significant others as a “ball and chain” that drags us down, and start thinking of them as a hot air balloon that brings us to new heights we wouldn’t have seen before.

This article originally appeared on James Michael Sama’s blog

Your views and thoughts are most welcome...

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