Thursday 22 January 2015


Here’s what happens when you find the right relationship.

A few years ago, I didn’t think much about being in a relationship. Not that I was against the concept, but I was young and a little crazy and doing some work in nightlife, so commitment just wasn’t on my radar. But even then, there was always that hope in the back of my mind that the next person I was introduced to could turn into something real.

Then, it happened. And for almost two years, it was great.
As I have gotten a little older and experienced what comes along with being in a relationship at this age, the more I see the great parts of it that most pop-culture doesn’t seem to acknowledge. People talk about being “held back” or “weighed down” or talking about “settling down” in such a negative way that nobody would want to do it. But the right relationship with the right person is supposed to enhance your life and your experiences, not complicate them.

Here are 7 reasons being in a relationship doesn’t suck at all.
(I know I will get a little backlash from people saying you don’t need a relationship to be happy. Of course you don’t, but you’ll find the points below are designed to eliminate a negative stigma towards commitment or relationships).

You will expand your horizons.
When two different people with two different histories and two different viewpoints come together in a relationship, you can’t help but be exposed to new ideas and experiences. You may not typically be interested in the arts or a night at the theater, or a day of rock climbing or yoga — but you will likely be much more open to the new experience if the man or woman you loves wants to share their passion with you.

You will always have a cheerleader.
Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive and motivated through hard times or discouragements. It may be something personal, professional, or both. The great thing about being with the right person for you is that they will be your beacon of light during the darkness. They will support and encourage you along your path, while you do the same for them. They can help brighten your day in ways that you may not be able to do on your own.
Plus, the encouragement you receive from the man or woman you love will have a different feeling than support from a family member or a friend.

Their love will make you more confident.
There is something about knowing that the person you love loves you back – that puts an extra pep in your step. You’ll know you’ve found the right person when their mere presence in your life makes you want to become the best version of yourself that you can, and you will have the confidence to make it happen.

To be continue...

Your views and thoughts are most welcome...

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