You deserve someone who will want to wake up to touch where the sun seeps through the blinds and lands on your cheek.
Someone who tells you how beautiful you are while you’re sleeping, when you’re mad, when you cry during your favorite movie
even though you’ve seen it a
thousand times.
You deserve
someone who appreciates you for all that you are.
Someone who asks to
keep lights on so that they can admire you in your purest state.
You deserve someone who doesn’t
agree with you all the time but
when you argue, it feels as if you’re
pushing each other to be your best
Someone who wants to sit
down and talk with you until dusk
turns to dawn a
bout new beginnings, desires, the unknown, the indescribable feeling of ecstasy when you’re immersed in the warm ocean.
bout new beginnings, desires, the unknown, the indescribable feeling of ecstasy when you’re immersed in the warm ocean.
Someone who knows that the
touch of warm skin sometimes says
more than a thousand conversations

You deserve someone just as
independent and driven as you are,
if not more.
Someone who will
inspire you. Someone who will trust
you enough to give you space to
Someone who pushes you to
travel down a path of understanding,
to be unashamed and to fill yourself
with courage.
You deserve what is best for you and
that will look different than what
anyone else has.
Although you’ll
have to jump some hurdles to get
there, fight tears, and endure nights
alone …
when you stumble upon
what you deserve, from there, the
rest won’t matter.
Have faith that it
will come when the time is right.
You deserve it.
Written by Sienna Brown
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