Tuesday, 14 January 2014


If you can hold in mind your love for each other and keep that before you at times of great difficulty and in all situations…

 If you can make being right less important than being connected, and instead work toward harmony and grace…

If you can keep your head while everything in you screams for revenge, and come back to the table with compassion and compromise…

If your relationship can be your first priority and not last place in your day….

If you can use empathy like a mighty sword to cut through your pain, instead of being like a rock or an island…

If you can surrender to your mate when all that is in you wants to leave, yet continue on with consideration and kindness…

If you can hear complaints and respond with understanding and not give way to contempt and rage…

If you can recognize that conflict is normal and trust is earned, and still be reliable and loving…

If you can appreciate that love is not a given but is created from being a loving person…

If you can become the person that you most admire and treat the ones you love with kindness and consideration… …

You will create a loving relationship

Written by Dr. Bill Cloke

Your views are most welcome...

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