Nobody pray for untimely death and God never for once say that is for us. Yes, it does happen! It’s not God, but the chief enemy… he is the thief, the killer and the destroyer. But though it’s not God’s PERFECT WILL for us, yet he does permit it! Aside untimely death, many couples life is that of cat and mouse. Some others are tolerating each other, while many others are JUST cohabiting with no love, no care!

Therefore, the
only secret to growing up old as a happy couple is in understanding… not only
of our spouses but also of the realities, which will enable us to prepare well
for the inevitable changes that will come our way. Growing up happily old
together with our spouse is not a matter of luck but of understanding, and many
who believe this have learned to cherish this prayer and earnestly pray for it
answers in their life:
Lord give me Courage to change the things that I can change
Give me the Grace to accept the things I cannot change
And the Wisdom to know the difference
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