Monday, 30 December 2013



Noises occur when things are not in order. It is a sign of forceful expression especially when impression is not conveyed in a specified manner; which end result is depression. We make noises in marriage when we are tensed off. Singles, hear this! If marriage is built on a wrong foundation there can never be decorum in that marriage, things will not fall in pleasant places, and there will be unnecessary noises everywhere. There is need for two people that are intending to get married to properly shape themselves and understand what marriage is all about before entering into it. “And when it was been built, the house was built of finished stone made ready beforehand. And there was not heard in the house a hammer or an axe, or any iron tool, while it was being built.” 1king6:7


Husband, you can stop unnecessary noises in your marriage by trying to listen to your wife. Hear her out by respecting her opinion. Put your love in action in her life. Wives, you can also put end to unnecessary noises if you can stop nagging with your husband. Let your respect and submission be made manifest in his life.

CAUSES OF NOISES IN MARRIAGE: 1. Disagreement 2. Disturbed mind/ emotional torture 3. Prolonged challenges 4. Confusion 5. Lack of marriage standard e.g trust, transparency, fidelity etc 6. Misunderstanding

EXAMPLES OF NOISES IN MARRIAGE: 1. Resentment 2. Nagging 3. Hostility etc

Try to understand your spouse’s interpretation of love. Sometimes, what we give as love may not be what our spouse need as love. Material things are no replacement for human, emotional love I beseech you lets settle every unnecessary noises in our marriage before we cross over to another year.

May the GOD of Heaven grant you understanding and make your home another paradise on earth.

Written by Igbagbodayo Ojo.

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