by Seth Adam Smith
culled from
Having been married only a year
and a half, I've recently come to
the conclusion that marriage isn't
for me.
Now before you start making
assumptions, keep reading.
I met my wife in high school
when we were 15 years old. We
were friends for 10 years until...
until we decided no longer
wanted to be just friends. I
strongly recommend that best
friends fall in love. Good times
will be had by all.
Nevertheless, falling in love with
my best friend did not prevent
me from having certain fears and
anxieties about getting married.
The nearer Kim and I approached
the decision to marry, the more I
was filled with a paralyzing fear.
Was I ready? Was I making the
right choice? Was Kim the right
person to marry? Would she make
me happy?
Then, one fateful night, I shared
these thoughts and concerns with
my dad.
Perhaps each of us have moments
in our lives when it feels like time
slows down or the air becomes
still and everything around us
seems to draw in, marking that
moment as one we will never
My dad giving his response to my
concerns was such a moment for
me. With a knowing smile he said,
"Seth, you're being totally selfish.
So I'm going to make this really
simple: marriage isn't for you. You
don't marry to make yourself
happy, you marry to make
someone else happy. More than
that, your marriage isn't for
yourself, you're marrying for a
family. Not just for the in-laws and
all of that nonsense, but for your
future children. Who do you want
to help you raise them? Who do
you want to influence them?
Marriage isn't for you. It's not
about you. Marriage is about the
person you married."
It was in that very moment that I
knew that Kim was the right
person to marry. I realized that I
wanted to make her happy; to see
her smile every day, to make her
laugh every day. I wanted to be a
part of her family, and my family
wanted her to be a part of ours.
And thinking back on all the times
I had seen her play with my
nieces, I knew that she was the
one with whom I wanted to build
our own family.
My father's advice was both
shocking and revelatory. It went
against the grain of today's
"Walmart philosophy", which is if
it doesn't make you happy, you
can take it back and get a new
No, a true marriage (and true
love) is never about you. It's
about the person you love--their
wants, their needs, their hopes,
and their dreams. Selfishness
demands, "What's in it for me?"
while Love asks, "What can I
Some time ago, my wife showed
me what it means to love
selflessly. For many months, my
heart had been hardening with a
mixture of fear and resentment.
Then, after the pressure had built
up to where neither of us could
stand it, emotions erupted. I was
callous. I was selfish.
But instead of matching my
selfishness, Kim did something
beyond wonderful -- she showed
an outpouring of love. Laying
aside all of the pain and anguish I
had caused her, she lovingly took
me in her arms and soothed my
Marriage is about family.
I realized that I had forgotten my
dad's advice. While Kim's side of
the marriage had been to love
me, my side of the marriage had
become all about me. This awful
realization brought me to tears,
and I promised my wife that I
would try to be better.
To all who are reading this article
-- married, almost married, single,
or even the sworn bachelor or
bachelorette -- I want you to
know that marriage isn't for you.
No true relationship of love is for
you. Love is about the person you
And, paradoxically, the more you
truly love that person, the more
love you receive. And not just
from your significant other, but
from their friends and their family
and thousands of others you
never would have met had your
love remained self-centered.
Truly, love and marriage isn't for
you. It's for others.
after reading this piece of Adams Smith, there are so many reactions some saying his view is wrong some went ahead and write a response among them are these two: A Rebuttal: Marriage isn't for you written by Maria MacDougal; Also My future Husband Had Better No take Seth Adam Smith's Advice written by Heartbeat Coaching. what I see in all the reason they give not to fully agree or to disagree with Seth is that "relationship is give and take." I agree with them partially,so my conclusion is that you don't have to demand or you expect. How? if your giving solely rest on the receiver being indebted to give you something back, you love and giving is totally wrong because that is not what love, in it real sense, means.
Love is looking for the good and happiness of the object of our love, and that is where giving comes in. If and since the love is mutual, then the other person too will be eager to make you happy. Demanding that they do it in a special way will mount unnecessary pressure and might lead to giving in order to receive, but love natural does not demand back, but attract itself naturally back to the one who originally give it.
if you give real love, love knows how to find its way back to you... for love is two sided River to actually exist except you aren't in love before!
Your views are most welcome...
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