What has happened to Christianity?
By Dn. Dr. A. B. Sunday
The Editor -in-chief of SYMPHONY

But now, what do we see?
unproductive, inconsequential
Christianity. Despite our level of
education and technological
advancement, can we compare our
real influence on our world with
theirs? The answer is no. This is
because we have so much diluted the
power of God with sinful living; this
has made it ineffectual. Where are
those sermons and songs that propel
sinners to cry to God for mercy?
Where is that thirst for
righteousness? Where is that crave
for the spiritual milk? Where is that
zeal to evangelize? Churches multiply
yet sin doesn’t abate and sinners
don’t reduce. Has Christianity not
turned to just one of those religions
and an ordinary means of identity?
How many people actually trust in the
efficacy of the power of the Holy
What do we see today?
Christians. Rationalization has taken
over the work of the Holy Spirit. There
is no conscious effort to affect our
immediate world not to talk of our
remote world. Truth is on exile;
holiness has been banished;
righteousness has been ostracized;
self-control has been
excommunicated; oneness has been
incarcerated; and commitment to God
has been crippled.
What do we say about choirs that do
the very thing they sing against?
Many choristers are born against.
There is envy, jealousy, anger, hatred,
sexual immorality and all those acts
that are unbecoming of children of
God. Under some choir robes are
satanic agents, unsanctified soloists,
sin-emitting soprano singers, uncivil
alto singers, untamed tenor singers,
busybody bass singers, insolent
instrumentalists, and careless
If music is such a powerful
tool that is remembered more easily
than sermons, why can’t gospel
ministers for once do the ministry the
way God wants it so that they can
have impact? Can God ask us to do
what we are incapable of? Why is it
difficult for this generation to do
things the way God wants them
done? What has happened to our
conception of heaven? Will God
change His standard because of us? It
is surprising that the Bible has
become an ordinary literary text to
some people. No wonder the church
has turned more or less to a social
Instead of forcing gospel music on
yourself and doing all to be popular,
why not think of a meaningful job to
do and live righteously and get to heaven?
Why do some who call
themselves pastors get power from real
herbalists and pastoral herbalists? In
the past, only few people found
themselves in ministry. Then it had
dignity and respect although it did
not attract pecuniary rewards as such.
Now it is fashionable to be a pastor.
Many vehicles now carry stickers that
read ‘clergy’. But a good number of
the people who claim to be ministers
are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Some
of them are womanizers; some of the
women are harlots; some of them
pathological liars; some of them do
terrible things in the name of God.
The judgment of God is imminent; all
defilers of God’s house shall be
visited with the winnowing fire of
God. While you still have today, make
necessary adjustment and let Christ
be seen in you. It is not sensible to
move from church to hell.
Your views are most welcome...
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