Wednesday, 6 November 2013

I Am Single And Happy!


            There are many misconceptions about being single, and many people had been rushed into what happen to be a fatal mistake. Some also have the mentality that if you are single you aren’t whole, that’s why they say, ‘your better half’ which is totally out of place, as there is nothing like a better half. When God create, He made whole persons, not half and half, but

whole, complete, single person! And we are expected to still maintain ou singleness in and after marriage.

            Being single as in single digit mathematically means a whole number, therefore single means a complete whole person, either married or unmarried. The problem is that people take being single to mean being unmarried. They are surely two different things. The first is the quality of life of a person while the latter is a status. The quality of a person can only be changed by attitude and mindset; while that of a status can be changed by any occasion or ceremony.

            Singleness means to be separate, unique and whole – Complete! Singleness is a gift from God that you must attain and maintain to be successful in life and even in Marriage. Marriage will not and will never complete you if you are not already a complete entity as an unmarried ‘singles’! Singleness is what you have to become and retain even after marriage.

            Singleness is not a temporary status, it is a quality of life – unmarried is a temporary status, but singleness means you are a complete whole person. You don’t need another person to complete you. Therefore there is nothing like your better half except you are not complete or whole before.

            A real single, whole complete person is not only someone who has matured physically, but all other areas of his/her personality: psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

Psychologically/mentally, a person is complete when that person has learned and mastered the art of independent progressive thinking. Which mean such is develop to the point of not only knowing right and wrong but also being able to reason and contribute intellectually to the success of the relationship. It also include being able to constructively criticize and offer meaningful thoughtful advice or suggestions that will or can lead to the progress of the partner and improvement in the quality of life and that of the relationship.

Emotionally, a completely whole person will not only have mastered the art of putting his/her emotions in check and very controlled, but also have learned to understand other people and how to deal with each individual separately, separating issues from personalities.

Spiritually, a whole person is someone that has the understanding and commitment to a faith in God, and that none can successfully live to the fullest without His backing. He/she also is aware and prepared for a spiritual life, knowing fully well that the spiritual life controls the physical.

Socially a complete person is not a nuisance, but a sight to behold. He/she is relevant with issues, accommodating, friendly and approachable... so full of goodness. He/she must have a very good dress sense, yet be modest. Not only these, must be able to cook, use computer and phone!

Lastly, a wholly complete single must be financially whole. Yes, but not as you mean, ehn, I mean you lady. You want a man that will provide you with everything you want without you working for anything... being financially means wealthy or rich in your sense but he/she must have a job, an apartment, with basic amenities. He/she must be honest and sincere about finance, and must have investment mentality.

1 whole person x 1 whole person = 1 whole marriage
            Yes, we are expected to remain single after marriage. Marriage should not and must not erase our individuality and singleness! We are to bring our individuality into marriage to make it unique and successful. Your marriage is not marriage until you have put your individual single flavour!

Enjoy Your Singleness;
Be Single And Happy!

Your views are most welcome...

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