Every year since I've been successful
my mother would ask me this
“What do you want for
Christmas? You are so hard to shop
I really didn't want her to give
me anything but she insisted.
I knew it was driving her crazy trying
to figure out what to get for me, so
about eight years ago I told her that
all I wanted were flannel PJs.

every year for about four years she
would go to Wal-Mart and buy me
some flannel PJs. Every Christmas I
would smile. I didn't have the heart
to tell her that the tops were so
short that the sleeves where almost
to my elbow and the bottoms were
well above my ankle. I would just
thank her and smile. She was so
happy. Needless to say, over the
years I collected a nice group of PJs
that were all too small. I have a
drawer full of them.
I was getting ready for work this
morning and I came across a pair of
them. I smiled so hard. It made me
remember her smile when she gave
them to me. It made my heart warm.
I thought about how much she loved
Christmas. I thought about how
much she loved me. I thought
about... well, I just thought about

This year, as we enter into the
holiday season and some of you are
worried about what to buy or if you
can afford to buy anything, I want
you to remember this story. My
mother’s gift came from the heart
and a gift that comes from the heart
is more valuable than the most
expensive thing in this world. She
died four years ago and those PJs are
still giving me joy. I think I'm going
to sleep in them tonight :-). High
waters and all...
I thought about sending you a
picture of me in them but I'm afraid
of what the blogs will write... LOL.
can see it now, "Tyler Perry has gone
crazy, look at what he sleeps in.”

I hope you have the best holiday
Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Years.
God bless.
Your views are most welcome...
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