Thursday, 31 October 2013


Written by Peter Olu. Jacobs

There are too many tensions in the world today. Things are just falling apart, disagreement every where, economic instability and political crises are getting worse. This is the era when people will slap you and never mind whether you are hurt or not, disappointment, cheating, corruption, religion crises, physical and mental violence are numerous.
 Behind every good looking man or woman is something else. People can be irrational these days, and all these things can tell on marriage. Therefore, your decision on who you will marry has to be well scrutinized before making it. Gone are the days when people will use the influence of father to marry son, or influence of church to get married. 99% of facebook marriages don’t work out. Nobody can predict what anybody can do, yet, we have to get married to someone!


1. Decision making under frustration: this is when someone is tired of every alternative and just make a decision without proper examination. E.g.” I’m over age and there is nobody to marry me”

2. Decision because there is no alternative: e.g. “I’ve been expecting someone to marry and nobody shows up but here is a man though divorced but he loves me”

3. Decision making when it’s difficult to differentiate: this is when you have different alternative and you have to pick one e.g. “all the brothers/sisters coming on your way are Christians, good looking, caring and loving”. Here, you have to know that not all Christian brothers and sisters are marriageable.

4. Decision making under confusion: confusion is one of the worst thing that can happen to a man in life, because, you will never understand the situation. Are you confused about that man’s character? Or he’s not a straight forward person? You have to be very careful before you make your decision on him.

5. Decision making because of multitude: e.g. “all my mates have been engaged but I’ve not"

6. Decision making because you don’t want to offend people. E.g. parents, siblings, friends, or relatives.

The only way and the best that I can suggest to you is HOLY SPIRIT. He can help and reveal the deep thought of a man to you. Holy Spirit answers to the name of JESUS. Release your thoughts, will and wishes to Jesus today and Holy Spirit will help you out. You can have a silent prayer in your heart as you are concluding this reading. Say “Lord Jesus, the secret things belong to you, but the things revealed to me belong to me and for the good of my marriage, therefore, I accept you as my Lord and savior, let your holy spirit take control of my life”. Amen.

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