Better Days are Ahead, Stop Looking back!
see joy in his face as he talked, remembering “the good old days”. He talked
with sense of regret though, but yet he became so youthful and happy talking
about those yester years when things are still “good.” This is not the first
time we would hear him talked that way, and he wasn’t the only person
remembering and clamouring for the good old days! The national anthem seems to
be “Give me the old time religion, if it is good for Paul, Peter and John, it
is good for me!”
For years I have loved these stories, but
recently their fantasies just don’t appeal to me any more… what has happened?
Nothing than the stack realities of life
then and now… yes some truth never change, but maybe the present time now is
the best, why miss the opportunity of living by being dissatisfied with the
yester years that had gone and never to return again?
Nigeria celebrated her 53rd
independent anniversary the first of this month, but there were so many
negatives and pessimism about the whole brand called NIGERIA. Some one wrote on
Electricity - F9
Education - E8
Prostitution- A1
Good road - D7
Banking - E8
Bombing - B2
Creativity - D7
Telecommunication- E8
Security - F9
Corruption - A1
Leadership - F9
wasn’t surprise but what shock me is the hopelessness of the youth and “Gone
are the days” of the regretting aged praying for the time to unwind and make
them re-live what seem to them as the best part of their years.
But is this true?
have learnt that, as it is impossible to find the perfect society, so it is
impossible to find a perfect country. Life are designed and wired to be lived
in the midst of trouble or challenges. You can’t pray or wish that away.
Solving one challenge will always lead or develop another challenge to be
solved; in fact solving a challenge will automatically design and give birth to
another. It’s a cycle, when these cycles cease to exist, life ends. And all
challenges are real and vital in their own right.
is not as worse as the picture shows. Yes we are not what we ought to be, but
yet we are not hopeless or irreparable. I have been looking for the scripture
to back this up until today… Genesis 8 gives me the perfect description. It’s
the flood story, Verse three declared that after the end of 150 days water
abated, but am surprised it took God 9month more before he open the door for
Noah to get out of the ark, even despite the fact that it took Noah 7month to ascertain
it is safe to get out.
earth had been covered with water and the water abated for 150 days (5months)
for the ark to rest on Mount Ararat in the 7th
month, but it took three months more for the top of other mountains to be seen!
Not only that, Noah waited for 54 days to know that the earth is dry after
sending the raven and the Dove. Yet God didn’t open the door until another
90days… three month. Why, because the earth is not fully dried for ALL living
things in the Ark.
we can’t ask for yester years to come again, it is gone and gone forever like
the earth before the flood. So why whine and clamour old leaders’ style and
method? The fact that their method works then doesn’t mean it will work hundred
percent now! And am very sure if they are still alive now, they will think and
or approach issues differently. You talk of free education, yes Awolowo did it,
but what was the student’s population then? Will Awolowo attempt total free
education from cradle to graduate now in face of other social/public
infrastructure decay? What was the road network then? How
many serious road
users do we have? Sure they can’t experience heavy traffic because there
weren’t many road users. We can’t talk of bad roads as such when not much
people are using the few existing network. Then the social amenities standard
can’t be compare to now. Think of all the good things they talk about then, are
they viable now? If they were why not stick to you turn-tables and black and
white television sets, and take your take black and white pictures even when
ordinary colour pictures has become outdated with everything going digital… are
better day behind then?

you want to compare communication then with now? Or is it the electricity then
will you compare with now? How many are using electricity then? If not much,
why talk of not generating enough or evacuating the generated ones?
study by World Bank on what are Nigeria’s
top economic challenges, corruption is not number one, neither is it the
second. Why concentrate on it? Leadership isn’t the problem because we are not
ready to work out the Nigeria
of our dream as an individual, we want other to do that for us… we are busy
crying over the spilt milk. Someone observed that most Nigeria’s
leaders are “accidentals”. Yes I agree, but the majority of our youth are not
preparing so that they too won’t be like previous generation. In one Rehoboth Baptist Church
facebook group, Rev. Adeotun ask people to say what they will do if they find
themselves in leadership position in Nigeria, to my surprise many said, they
will seek God’s face and depend on Holy Spirit! Why not seek God and depend on
the Holy Spirit to have vision and goals to pursue before getting into the race
for the post?
I know is this: Nigeria
is not where we are before, we are moving, the flood came unknowingly upon us
but I know as well as u that the water is abating. Agreeing to this fact will
only not help us to be positive and be hopeful, it will help us to look into
the details as to determine what more to do, and where more to look into!
Don’t be like lots’ wife who looked back
desire the things of the past, and became a pillar of salt as a warning to us…
You can’t find it looking back, better days
lies ahead!
Your views are most welcome...
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