Friday, 4 October 2013

“Hey Ref., Send me off!”

“Hey Ref., Send me off!”

            It wasn’t funny when on Saturday 14th of September 2013 Arsenal football club and their counterpart Sunderland played, and in the second half of the match in which the Arsenal are finding it difficult to exert their superiority and the Sunderland are having a great day, suddenly the referee took a decision that was not so good and the Sunderland coach, Paolo Di Canio, lost his temper having being rated very high among the club managers that will be picking quarrel in the Premier league of England, he was cautioned by the referee, but the next thing we saw was that he was sent to watch the rest of the match from the stands, and seriously that affected the result of the match as Sunderland was beaten three goals to one.
            Later in his after match interview with B.B.C. Paolo Di Canio narrated what happened:
Di Canio being warned
“(Martin Atkinson the ref.) came to me and said, ‘If you keep going with your manner I will send you up to the stands,’ I said to him, ‘If you want to complete a perfect job, you send me off.’ He took it seriously and sent me off. Next time I will not invite the referee to send me off.” – Paolo Di Canio manager at Sunderland Football Club was later quote. I later learnt that that cost him his job in Sunderland!
            As funny as it is, there is a very important lesson which we could learn, which Paolo Di Canio learned the hard way. Opportunity to learn abounds, and in this generation we have so many learning materials to aid and or facilitate the learning process, but to our shame, we learn very little! The major way many still learn is through trial and error as if their life is an experiment, but according to my observation, scientist rarely carry out direct experiment on any human being. But that is what many do to themselves.
            In Canio’s words, Atkinson warn him of his manners and what the outcome could be, but he out-rightly reject that and dared the consequence which he later regret. What manner is yours that could make you to witness sanctions and or suspension in life? Preachers do say that any manner or habit that you did not master will master you. Master here means control, or overpower to rule over. Canio did not control his temper even when he was fore-warned and the consequence was so severe. He had to learn from his personal experience, he was the first manager to be sent off this season!
Di Canio: Showing his best Manners

            Dear reader, yours may not be bad temper, it may be smoking and the referee had been warning you since with: Smokers are LIABLE to die young, but your response has been not how long, but how well; my question is: has smoking makes you live well without attracting grave consequences? Is it your Maker that chooses short life for you or you’re the one calling the ref. to send you off the earth field of play?

            Yours is not smoking but fishery; sorry I mean you drink like a fish. Liquor or and alcohol is a social façade for you.  Oh, maybe you drink to fight depression which leads to more time for therapy and your kidney is an easy target for related diseases which could be terminal.
            Hmm, yours is womanizing? Yes, I pity you. You never learn from Tiger Woods and know the price of infidelity, let alone the stark realities of sexually transmitted disease, most of which could lead to impotency or barrenness and short life. Well, may be you don’t like or value your life and the next generation after you as such, then you don’t worth living but if you value your life and love yourself, you shouldn’t wait till the ref. through the doctors gives you the verdict.
            Yeah, you like clubbing and partying… it’s the best way to add fun to life, but your talent and abilities is being laid waste because you don’t want to face life as it is. You say its spouse you are looking for? How many people do get their spouse from clubbing? You just waste all your energies that are meant for taking you to the place of fulfillment and accomplishment on the dance floor or on the road with accidents.
            This last one is a special Manner many people favour yet they hate to see it in others: LYING. Habitually or incidentally you lie, you cheat, you forge, or yours is fraud… all are under lying though in degrees. The most effective and fastest way to loose credibility is to tell lie! Yet it’ll surprise you the amount of lies that is being told every day, even to the point of devoting a special day in the world’s calendar to lying… April fool!

            Will you take this as a warning from the inescapable referee, before he starts disbursing the cards and you ultimately lose the game? There is still opportunity for you to change, yes its NOW!

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