As Martin Luther has said in one of his treaties on marriage, "There is
no Lovely, Friendly, Charming relationship than a good marriage."
Many will agree with this quote on first reading but over the year I have come to understand that they only do so mentally.
We all want a good or great marriages where there is love, joy, peace and comfort, but most have failed in their methods or through their strategy to reach this point.
Let me say this here and now: A happy marriage is not a State but a Process. You just don't arrive there, you journey along it. Because if any of the parties involved dare to stop what they do to be a happy couple or to start experiencing Joy, peace, love and comfort in their marriage, the 'State' will change as the process change track.
In our society today, especially among the celebrities, we prepare to stay in other relationship apart from marriage, even when they are living together (cohabitation) and making or giving birth to babies even twins.
Why are there so much fear in turning this kind of love, special friendship, unusually charming, and beautifully romantic relationships into a standard marriage relationship?
The answer are not few but the basic ones are:
~ People aren't sure if what they feel is love, and therefore prefer to allow an exit option to hang over the relationship.
NOTE: - whatever your feelings, marriage demands more than romantic feelings... It demand commitment and hard work similar to the ones in the mines!
~ There are a lot of baggage and brought-overs in love relationships of many... So the new or current persons that are in love with them are either not trusted enough for such commitment or they aren't ready to help them deal with bagagge.
NOTE: - You might fall in love effortlessly, but making the marriage work and thriving demand the two people involve to be willing and ready to make Deliberate Efforts at succeeding!
~ The Divine is not involve. Yes. There must a sense of divine leading in the relationship. Can you say its God or your feeling leading you in such a relationship? someone once told me that if he bring a lady to me and he said that is his fiance, that I should not ask him if he has prayed about it... because the truth is he might just met the lady on the road and feel love toward her and decide to marry her! is that not how many of us start or planning to start our marriage? Does the divine has a say?
~ Lastly, the total commitment to stay together through thick and thin is a thing of the past!
NOTE: - There will always be times of extreme Joy and unbearable pains, those occurrences and situations makes a good memory... not all rosy experiences makes a good memory!
Live right!
Remember, no matter how beautiful your relationship is, it can't pass for a good marriage!
Your views and thoughts are most welcome...
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