The successful parent of yester
years shakes their head when they behold the parenting strategy of nowadays
parent. They claim law and order is needful. Many parents of these days believe
in love and freedom for their children but many are still a failure because
freedom is abused and love taken for granted. While retorting to law and order
is seen as going way back to colonial days, there is a serious need for
parenting to be balanced between freedom & love and Law & order to
actually have the desired balance.
We do
not need to impose the law on our young people, thinking that without the law,
they would go out and sin. Joseph in the bible wasn’t governed by the TEN
COMMANDMENTS because there were no such as at then, but he has a working
knowledge of God. Similarly, I believe that young people who are full of Jesus
will have the COURAGE to run away from temptation!
Hey, there
is nothing wrong with running away from temptation! It shows we just did not
put confidence in our own flesh to resist temptation.
There is
a burden of freedom, and liberty has responsibility… ACCOUNTABILITY.
Teenagers and young adult who are dating, learn to flee from
temptations like Joseph did. Don’t go to dark, quiet places or lock yourselves
alone in your rooms where raging hormones can bring you further than where you want
to go. God design sex to be enjoyed within the marriage covenant. He is not
robbing you of fun. He loves you too much to see you go from one broken sexual
relationship to another, and end up feeling used, cheated, manipulated, cheap
and empty.
Flee from
youthful lusts and pursue God’s righteousness instead.
If internet
pornography is a temptation, then let’s understand as young people that we
cannot put confidence in our own flesh to resist temptation, and to flee from
it instead.
at the same time, you can make pragmatic changes by placing your home computers
in the living rooms and not in your son’s or daughter’s room. This is parenting
with grace: you can trust your teenagers, but you can also teach them not to
trust their flesh, and to flee from temptations!
But no
matter what your past is like, there is a future and there is now no
condemnation for you… Accept Jesus and you can begin a new life!
Your views and thoughts are most welcome...
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