It was a bright sunny Saturday when I decided to go for a walk with Leo, putting on it a nice strap and heading toward the park... Excited probably because I have a hunch that something exciting is coming my way. But I was calculating it might be a fantastic local gossip and possibly some nice intellectual argument with a neighbour... But I was wrong, I found out that the excitement will come from my dog, Leo and its mate Sapphire!
Sapphire belong to someone who recently join us in our community and said he just came to have a new experience. George, hold Sapphire, and was standing with others discussing sport related issues when I and Leo make our entrance.
Seeing the bubbling group we navigate our way toward the newspaper stand. As I was trying to get on the discussion I notice the restlessness of Leo and a tugging of playfulness.
I tried to make Leo obey but not for long. To make him stop I lose him knowing full well that it wont hurt anyone in the community except with an evil intent. But immediately I did this, Leo make its way to Sapphire and George make a run for Leo.

A visible lesson from dogs meeting in the park. But humans find it hard to recognize love dating or courting! I ain't talking of love at first sight, but the problem of being sure the one I love love me in return! Even after several dates, meetings and sharing... Sometimes its still very difficult to know if its true love.
There are only three possible outcome of dogs meeting each other:
1. No tail is wagging;
2. Only one tail is wagging;
3. Two tails are wagging.
The difference about humans is just that we can't be as plain as the dogs!
Humans can pretend that tail is wagging when nothing is actually moving behind them, or that tail isn't wagging when there are visible movement of telltales behind them. Sometimes this is as a result of some Social or Cultural norms which has become so deceptive, maybe because of lack of proper and or deep understanding of such in recent years.
The lesson therefore is learning from dogs in our dating and courting... Wag the tail if you are excited about it and don't if you don't feel the love. Dogs are plain, no deceit, no lying, no pretense they only go for what their tail is wagging for. Enough of "I don't want to hurt him/her..." and you continue to lie and pretend!
The best way of getting to know what is true is being true!
Be true in all your relationship... Show Love those whom you feel love toward and love you in return. Appreciate those who love you but you don't love in the same way or that you love but don't love you in the same way!
Your views are most welcome...
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