Yes, she can!
I want to talk objectively, and the purpose of this post is not ti be argumentative or to be controversial but of educational value and other views are equally welcome. So this is for people who want to learn and not those who want to argue. There are some expectations from every human being right from the womb. At certain month it is expected of a baby to have some shape, weight and do some things. When born, a baby is EXPECTED to cry and if it did not, we make it cry! At some months it is expect to start eating something solid more than milk and also talk and walk. When at those stages if a baby didn't do those things, it becomes a concern. But over time many people didn't conform to this 'stereotyped' EXPECTATIONS and that doesn't make them less human. We have people that didn't walk till 5, yet today walks; we have people that didn't talk at 3, and they are great orators today.
My point is, we have what we call Societal and Developmental Expectations, which many have believed to be the NORMAL thing and any other is abnormal. But this isn't necessarily so.
To those who uses tradition and Bible as the measure of forbidding a lady doing the proposing or asking a guy out then I have this to say: Let me say it this way, we can be hypocritical in the tradition we choose to practice if it serve our purpose. Frankly speaking, since we have buy into female education and into the civilization and capitalist economy that encourage females to work outside home and thereby EARN a living to be able to assist if not totally cater for the family, (a primary role of men) we have actually sign up for swapping of roles! What a man can do, a woman can as well try!
But its surprises me to see that we Men are still fighting for some superiority & many ladies are contented with it even when they could have done better. Its like the Elephant that had been tied with a rope to a pole for a long time, whenever it roam to the end of the rope, the rope will not allow no further movement even though the Elephant want to go further. Soon the Elephant came to accept it that, that is how far it came move so When the rope was removed eventually and the Elephant is free to go wherever it want, it didn't walk past d normal area d chains would allowed it before, why? 'Cos of mentality.
Biblically, there are women in the Bible that perform the role of men & God himself justify them: Zipporah, make Moses her husband by blood when she circumcise him; Jael killed Sisera, the fearsome army general that torment the land; Deborah lead the battle; and even Zelophad's daughter got landed properties in a culture that only men counts! The Scripture says that women will be liberated through childbearing, and going by Genesis account, the seed (child) of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent is Jesus. Jesus had been born and had liberated women from the limitation of the Law... And perfected the law in that "God made them male and female" in His image none is more superior or inferior.
The most painful is that, females are the first to castigate a view such as this, because they had been made to believe that it is un-womanly! But if it is a business contract or interview they will go for the kill with determination without any thought of what whoever will say.
The bottom line is if you love a guy, and want to marry him, tell (ask) him when you have been convinced of him... If that seem extreme, nothing stop you from 'encouraging' him to pop the question. But generally there is nothing wrong with a lady professing her love whatever reservation one has about proposing.
Ladies, Please, lets accept this fact!
Your views are most welcome...
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