Open Letter to My Daughter on Her Birthday
Dear Zip,
On this occasion of your birthday, I wish to discuss with you
a very important issue parents (especially
fathers) hardly have the courage to discuss with their daughters; the issue of
virginity. I know you won't be embarrassed because this is not the first time I
discuss issues like this with you.
Remember in one of my previous letters, I told you that,
unlike the boy child, the girl-child has some of her sex organs inside her
body. One of these internal sex organs is the vagina. The vagina is the passage
leading from the woman’s womb to the outside of her body. Zip, my daughter, it
may interest you to know, that from birth, a piece of tissue or membrane called
hymen covers the opening of the vagina leaving just a small opening that is
typically the size of a finger. It is through this small opening that the
menstrual blood and the clear or whitish vaginal secretions are discharged. The
Yorùbás of southwest Nigeria call this material element (the hymen) ibale.
1. Hymen and Virginity:
Zip, in the past, the hymen was synonymous to virginity. This
was because the hymen was the visible evidence that the young lady is a virgin.
Then, virginity tests were conducted for young ladies by checking for the
hymen. If the hymen was found intact, the young woman was said to be a virgin
but if the hymen had broken the lady is said to have been de-virginized.
In recent times, however, the old practice of checking for a
woman’s hymen to determine if she is a virgin is being thrown out. There are
about two reasons for this. One, medical science has established the fact that
some women are born without fully intact hymens while some are born with no
hymens at all. Two, it has also been discovered that the membrane is so thin
that it often breaks by itself with normal physical activity like running,
gymnastic or horseback riding. Hence, there is a need for a better
understanding of the concept called virginity.
2. Better Understanding
of Virginity:
Virginity, better understood, has two elements. The first is
the material element which the hymen stands for. The presence of this material
element simply suggests that the young lady has not had penile-vaginal
intercourse. That is, her vagina has not been penetrated sexually.

With this understanding, therefore, virginity is not just the
presence of the hymen but a “state or condition of being pure, fresh, or
unused” as well as a state of sexual innocence and inexperience. Thus, a virgin
then, is not just a person who has her hymen intact; rather, she is a person
who is sexually untouched, unblemished, uncorrupted, spotless, inexperienced,
innocent, and naive.
Zip, keep your innocence till you are married. Happy
Loving Dad,
by ‘Tunde Alabi of FHL Family Life
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