Men, allow me to introduce you to the 21st
Century Woman.
She is beautiful. She is intelligent. She is
hardworking and tough. She is demanding and sometimes, she is difficult.
Hopefully, you have nabbed yourself one of the
best and are happily blazing a trail of love in your relationship. Like
most men, however, you find women to be confusing and challenging to
understand. To help you navigate through your interactions with your lady,
here is some much-needed advice: Take her for her word.
There is nothing more offensive than when my
significant other says, “So what you really mean is…” What I really
mean is what I’ve actually said — takes me for my word!
At the base level of all relationships, there should be an understanding of mutual
honesty. This obviously strays
from more historical paradigms of relationships that have taught us to use
white lies or to omit the truth to keep our significant others content.
Men, you have been taught that “no” means
“yes” and vice versa, but such is not the case. Take your woman for her word
and you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
There is no sorcery here. What women want is
for you to accept what we’ve said, respect it and respond accordingly —
honestly and truthfully.
You ask, “Would you like to do anything
special for our anniversary this year?” Or maybe, “Would you like flowers for
your birthday?” If her response is “no,” take her for her word.
You ask, “Would you like want to watch the
football game with me and the boys tonight?” If her response is “yes,” take her
for her word.
Keep the assumptions in your relationship to a
minimum. Once you’ve established honesty, the game-playing can come to a
crashing halt. Trust her. You must now learn to be open and honest in your
questioning, as well.
Express your needs, your wants and your
feelings. Do not assume a woman will always supply you with the answer for
which you are looking. Ask the questions to which you want an honest answer and
be reflective in your own emotions, as well.
As your relationship grows and develops, you
won’t need to assume or guess; you will start to anticipate and predict her
responses. That is natural when you truly know someone.
Yes, men, you have a sort of sixth sense, as
well. It is that same sense that allows you to know that your mother will
prefer to have dinner with her children on her birthday rather than receive a
bunch of gifts.
Note that this type of relationship comfort
zone takes time to procure.
Therefore, it will also take time for your relationship to reach a similar
level of understanding. If you are serious about your relationship, take the time to invest.
Men, don’t become overwhelmed about how to
decode women. We really are not so difficult; we do not go out of our ways to
confuse you. We do ask, however, that you respect us and trust us to be open
and honest with you.
This is what we truly want.
By Good Mornan
culled from
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