Saturday, 14 June 2014


"Thank God I am still a virgin and I enjoy myself with alternative" she said, trying to tell me she is a 'decent' girl. Surprised I asked, "what alternatives?" she laughed, though sounding like a wicked laugh, "Sir, I do have anal sex; oral sex; masturbation; sex-chating and phone-sex are all AVAILABLE alternatives." She went off-line telling me the discussion is over. 


 It is a fact that sex and sexual activities abound everywhere now, thanks to the media and the culture that promote freedom without corresponding responsibilities and this had brought about some weird and strange sexual relationships especially among the single unmarried. The above is an example of what an average sexually active single engages in or is being confronted with daily... Myself inclusive. But here is what I think... Yes tag me as conservative or stereotyped or unfashionable outdated archaic African but my stand is that VIRGINITY IS MORE THAN THE UNBROKEN HYMEN! 


 The fact that you engages in sexual activities betray the sexual innocence which virginity portrays. Hear me, I say sexual innocence and not sexual ignorance. Some people believe ignorance is bliss when it comes to sex education of their wards, children and or members, but gone are the days when ignorance is celebrated... Therefore parent especially and youth leaders and those in charge of teenagers must educate their ward effectively toward sexual awareness therefore curing their ignorance and denying the adoption of wrong teaching. Sexual Innocence is not lack of understanding of sexuality but the state of not experimenting it in any of its forms.


In as much as you are sexually active, your physiological features changes. This are the changes not peculiar to adolescent but the activation of adulthood. The whole body system re-organize and rearrange itself and priorities even up to the brain! Your hymen may still be intact, but your body is not the same again. Who then do you fool? No one but yourself!


I support dating of young adult and morally guided relationships that adopt 'no sex' slogan and 'no lighting the fire' motto that help to keep the focus on abstinence till marriage (the original context it was designed for) and help maintain the injunction that "marital bed must be kept undefiled." Dating is meant to socialize and meet different kind of people sharing different world view thereby developing our character in relating to others especially opposite sex... Its not an opportunity to test your sexual capabilities or to play the last man/girl standing.


Courting is more focus on working on compatibilities and developing a compromise that is workable to sustain and maintain a life-time marital life. In all these, sexual activities are not a gauge or measure to use. Though it must be discussed and conclusive agreement must be reached, it does not give the green light for its exercise. Therefore, engaging in ALL sexually activities and its ALTERNATIVE prove that you are a sexual PRACTITIONER either your hymen is intact or not.


VIRGINITY represent far more than unbroken hymen: It represent self-control... A virtue that is lost among us now. It represent faithfulness... The key reason to over 70% of divorce. It represent devotion and commitment to just only one person. It represent the seal of love... Which is more elusive to those who read feelings only.




Your views are most welcome...

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