Part 2: Advice for finding a
My relationship with my wife
predates the advent of the Internet,
so I’m talking about old-fashioned
face-to-face interactions here.
—But looks in perspective.
There is a lot more to a woman than
how she looks. She could be a
runway model, but if her personality
makes you grind your teeth, it won’t
last even a little while. I’m not
saying you should chase women
who you don’t find visually
appealing, but understand that the
vast majority of the population
doesn’t fit into that mold you see on
the cover of magazines. Real women
look like real women. Even cover
models are well-lit, made-up, and
Photoshopped to hell and back.
And besides, are you a young Brad
Pitt? If you were, would you be
reading this?
You need to find someone you can
have a conversation with; someone
who makes you think: This person is
cool. I like this person. I want to
spend time with this person. You
want to find a woman who, the more
time you spend with her, the better
looking she becomes.
—Be your (best) self
The guy I am when I’m hanging out
with my male friends isn’t really the
guy I am most of the time. We’re
talking trash and saying some
seriously raunchy stuff. You know,
locker room guy talk. That’s just
letting the Y chromosome run loose
for a while.
When you meet a woman for the first
time, you can’t pretend to be a
person you’re not in an effort to
impress her. She might buy it for a
little while, but the long-term
potential is doomed. You have to be
yourself, but be your best self. Be the
man you really aspire to be more
like. Basically, behave. Be a
gentleman. Be a little nicer than
usual. Be your “helping the elderly
lady with her groceries” self rather
than the “I’m on my fifth beer and
watching football with the guys”
Women understand you have
multiple personalities. The old-
woman-helping personality is
probably more the true you than you
realize. She realizes it, and
appreciates it, and probably doesn’t
mind the asshole version of you that
you pretend to be around your
friends as long as she doesn’t need
to be subjected to it all the time. She
understands it’s basic male-
posturing bullshit that we’re all
prone to.
What I’m saying is, skip all that alpha
male crap and just be the polite and
kind version of you.

Where to meet them
Absolutely anywhere. Don’t ever feel
like you have to go to a place where
alcohol is served. You could be
waiting in a line, waiting for a bus, in
an elevator, at a bookstore, buying
groceries, at the gym, in a park, in a
coffee shop, out for a walk. Anywhere
women are present is an acceptable
place to meet them (But I think religious setting is more perfect for Long-lasting relationship).
You can strike
up a conversation and see where it
—Avoid the disinterested
If she has her headphones on and
her nose buried in a book, this is a
signal that she’d rather not be
disturbed. Leave her alone.
Depending on the circumstances,
you don’t necessarily need to wait
for a “come hither” look, but if
someone seems at least open to a
friendly chat, take a shot.
Here is my advice on taking such
1. Observations work, pickup
lines don’t
Women often say that, “Hello, my
name is …” is the best form of an
introduction, and I’ve never heard
one who says they like a pickup line.
However, you can show some
creativity that sets you apart by
making a witty or insightful
Although I am 100% dedicated to my
wife, I still do talk to other women.
Not long ago my son was taking his
learner’s license exam. A woman sat
next to me while her daughter was
taking the same exam. We were
both on our iPhones doing … nothing
I said, “You know, in the days before
smart phones we might actually
have been forced to talk to one
She chuckled, per her phone down,
and said, “What do you want to talk
about?” And so we chatted for the
next 20 minutes. All it took was a
somewhat witty observation about
what was happening right then. It
poked fun at something that we
were both well aware of. Most
importantly, there was nothing
sexual about it.

In my (married) case,
I’d never do that anyway, but in your
case it’s equally important to make
these introductory observations
completely innocent.
If something strikes you at the spur
of the moment as an interesting and
potentially witty observation, then
it’s a good icebreaker. If you’re good
at it then it can work even better
than the “Hello, my name is …” route
because the latter’s more formal
nature can imply your intentions
outright, which can be awkward if
she’s not interested or in a
relationship, whereas the witty
observation can be interpreted as
simply making conversation. It
lowers the risk, and allows you to
bail a lot easier if you feel the
conversation isn’t going well.
Remember, choose silly over sexual
with an icebreaker. You could be
waiting at a bus stop, and it’s
pouring rain. You are standing near a
woman you find attractive. You could
say something like: “I have to
remember to water the lawn when I
get home.” Or, “You know, I don’t
think I’ve ever actually seen anyone
sing in the rain before.”
Whatever happens after that second
one, don’t start serenading her.
2. Be ready to cease and desist
Maybe you thought you saw an
opening, and maybe you were
Read her reactions to your approach.
If she’s not interested, she’ll give
you clues. Watch for them. If you
receive such clues, back away. If
she’s not positively engaging with
you then it’s not going anywhere.
But if it does start going somewhere
3. Actually listen to what she has
to say
Don’t view her talking as the
mandatory period of time you need
to sporadically wait until you get to
talk about yourself again. Actually
listen to what she has to say and
process it with your brain rather than
just thinking with the much smaller,
stupider brain between your legs.
Beyond just being respectful, it gives
you key insights into her personality,
which will let you know if this is
someone you may actually wish to
date for an extended period of time.
4. Compliment her on things
other than her looks
I interviewed a number of women
about how they like to be
approached in the gym, and the
consensus is that they don’t
appreciate being appreciated solely
for their looks. From my article:
Jen much prefers a compliment on
her strength as opposed to her
shape. “A workout-related
compliment would totally work for
me,” Kris says.
Michelle says, “I do tons of squats to
keep my ass defying gravity, but a
comment about that is not
appreciated. You can save it for when
we know each other better.”
Feel free to compliment a women on
her technique, effort or strength,
but, as Michelle says, save the
compliments about her physique for
when you know her better.
Outside the gym it’s the same deal.
It you find an opportunity to give her
a sincere compliment about
something other than her looks
because you are legitimately
impressed, and not just looking to
get into her pants, then that’s okay.
5. You don’t need to act
interested in her; you need to BE
Remember, we’re talking about
girlfriend material here. Not one
night stand. A relationship is an
investment of time, emotion and
even love that goes way beyond sex.
Find someone you find interesting.
6. Accept that rejection will
I know a lot of PUAs preach the
numbers game. Hit on a ton of
women and some will be interested.
Screw that.
Be discerning. Engage in
conversations with women you find
interesting and attractive and see
where it goes. But also realize that
things could be one-sided. You may
like her, but it’s not reciprocated.
This does NOT make her a bitch. It
makes her a human being deserving
of respect. Don’t fall into that “poor
me” trap.
Women have every right to reject
you. Accept it. Learn from it. Find
someone you like who won’t reject
you, and be happy together.
7. Focus on her
When you’re talking to her, focus on
her. Don’t keep scanning the room
for someone better to come along.
That’s just rude.
8. Tell her what you want
Personally, what I think what you
should want is to talk to her again,
and that you should tell her that.
Something along the lines of, “I’d
like to call you and talk more. Can I
have your phone number?”
It’s not a date. You didn’t ask to “see
her” again. It’s just a phone number
where you can call and chat further
and see where that goes. Mind you,
that’s the safe way to play it. The
night I met my wife I spent about
four hours talking to her to the
exclusion of all others. I was so
enamored it was like the rest of the
world ceased to exist, and I could tell
that she was interested in me as
well – there were hints she gave
that even I was able to read – and I
asked her out on a proper date that
evening. But that was specific to the
circumstances. Don’t feel the need
to rush. Speaking of which …
9. Don’t feel the need to rush
Every woman is different. There is no
such thing as a “three date rule”
about sex.
I know a woman who took a guy
home from a bar she’d met that
night, and he never left. They were
together for ten years and had two
kids. Other people take longer
before they’re interested in having
sex. Progress can be slow, but as
long as you feel as though your
relationship is progressing at a rate
you’re comfortable with, no outside
influences on “closing escrow” or
other male-locker-room-bullshit
terminology should matter one bit.
If it’s meant to happen, it will
happen. And if it doesn’t happen, you
need to accept that. You know what
I’m talking about. Be a good man,
not a bad man.
10. Don’t feel the need to follow
traditional dating rules
Just ask to hang out with her and do
fun stuff with her. Go out and live
some life together. It doesn’t have
to be all fancy dinners and movies,
although sometimes that’s good too.
Other times, it’s just hanging out.
11. Cook for her
It worked for me.
12. Talk about where things are
You don’t want to weird her out by
doing this too soon, but it’s worth
talking about your relationship to
find out at least an idea of where it’s
going and what she wants to see if
it’s in line with what you want.
Again, not talking marriage and
minivan here, but perhaps having a
discussion about things like
exclusivity and a desire to get closer
could be valuable.
13. Don’t be a whiner
Women like confidence, but that
doesn’t necessarily manifest the way
you might think. This doesn’t mean
you act like I’m confident I can get
you to take your pants off, because
her reaction to that may likely be,
I’m confident that you will NEVER see
me naked. Instead, they prefer men
who can handle the trials and
tribulations that affect every life
with a minimum of fuss. They don’t
want a guy they have to babysit, but
someone who can get excrement
done and fix their own problems
with a positive attitude rather than a
defeatist who mopes about how life
isn’t fair.
You’re right. Life isn’t fair. Deal with
Your views are most welcome...
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