Everybody has an annoying trait that
irritates the next person: Nagging,
ranting, nail biting, open-mouthed
chewing, snoring, random channel
surfing, off-key singing, foot-tapping,
etc. If you don’t think you can be
annoying, then lack of self-
awareness is your annoying trait.
There is an element of intimacy
lodged in during every fight.
can tell a lot about a person: what
sets them off, how they handle
frustration, and how they mend
emotionally. Therefore fighting can
be taken as a building exercise
rather than a black dot on your
permanent record.
We may know and understand
ourselves better than others, which
is why our emotional issues make
sense to ourselves; we know their
I have known myself for…
pretty much my whole life,
but my partner doesn’t know
every single emotional issue I
have. Taking enough time and
a healthy way to resolve
issues can help us understand each
other better and maybe even
benefit from the different
Big things have small beginnings
Have you ever had one of those
arguments where your partner has
teleported you from a state of
comfort to the frontlines of combat
for forgetting to take out the trash or
leaving a mess in the room? While
that argument may be about the
trash or the mess, it is actually more
about respect, space or power.
The argument is almost never about
the immediate issue at hand, but
rather an emotional reason lying
underneath. Arguing about money is
not really about money, it is about
power. Arguing about sex is not
really about sexuality, it is about
intimacy. Arguing about chores is not
really about chores, it is about
fairness. Arguing about jealousy is
not really about fidelity, it is about
But since arguing is logical in nature,
it breaks down when we apply it to
emotions which is why we are more
comfortable yelling about the mess
rather than power, intimacy, fairness
or maturity.
Fight the good fight!
Never go to bed angry, stay up and
fight! One of the worst things that
can happen is dragging the
argument to the next day. Cooling
things down may result in repressed
feelings without addressing the core
As long as there are no objects
thrown or hitting, anything goes.
Release the emotional tension and
address what is upsetting you; slam
doors if it would help, the important
thing is to reveal the issue in order
to solve it. Can you get three hours
of sleep after the issues are resolved
and still be ok at work? Yes, you can!
Personally I am too impatient to be
able to engage in a fight for days, I
feel compelled to dissect the
problem immediately to resolve the
issue because I wouldn’t be able to
focus on anything otherwise. My partner, however, prefers to take a
break from the fight to cool off and
resolve her issues on her own. So to
her, my approach is like hammering
the C*** out of S*** to freakin’
People have different approaches to
resolving arguments, just like they
have different styles of fighting:
The Boxer: Goes 12 continuous
rounds until the fight is over and he/
she can go home.
The Avenger: Neither forgives nor
forgets until present and past issues
are resolved.
Take a hike!: Takes a break until
issue is repressed or better mood is
The Smiley Face: Passive-
aggressive until provoked to resolve
the issue.
The Forgiver: Lets bygones be
In my case, I would be ‘the Boxer’
and she would ‘Take a Hike’. I would
want to solve the issue together
now, while she would prefer to take
a break and deal with it herself. So
we came up with a one-day fighting
rule where we take a break if
needed, provided we are on the
same premises.
The end result is that no issue takes
more than a day to be resolved, and
we develop mutual respect for each
other’s fighting styles.
No matter how many hours resolving
an issue might take, there is no
reason why we can’t play nice
outside the ring. Other than arguing,
we still need to eat or get things
crossed off our to-do-list and mutual
daily activities (like eating, grocery
shopping, etc.). It helps us refresh,
restore, or at least ease, the tension.
On the way back from dinner
my girlfriend and I had a
heated argument.
Remembering that we forgot
to buy groceries, we went to
the supermarket and while
asking casual questions (in
neutral tones) about what we
needed to buy, the tension eased up
a bit and we were able to talk things
through. By the time we got home
everything was great.
Post-fight rituals
The outcome of an argument, if
resolved maturely, can be
rewarding. After every fight, a small
talk about how well the argument
went, or even giving each other
scores, would give positive
reinforcement and motivation to
look forward to resolving issues in
the future.
Having a nice dinner or watching a
movie together helps convert the
mood from post-fighting
awkwardness to an opportunity for a
romantic date night. But showing
appreciation towards each other’s
understanding and
acknowledgement of each other’s
improvements is the perfect indirect
apology; the purple heart of
For me, being in a healthy long-term
relationship is like being in a lab
creating two adults.
Every fight
presents an opportunity for growth
and a chance for more intimacy in a
relationship. It’s only a matter of
choice on how we can take the most
advantage out of the fights to
nurture ourselves and make it to the
other side.
Your views are most welcome...
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