Tuesday, 17 September 2013



            In the year 1683, Vienna, the capital of Austria, was besieged; a great army of Turks, who were then making war with the nations of Europe, lay before it. When it was known that they were near Vienna, the Emperor of Austria fled from the city, and the poor people in it were left in sad fear and distress. The only person they thought likely to save them was the King of Poland, John Sobieski, and they sent entreating him to come to their help. They knew that he could only come to them over the northern mountains, and day after day they rose early, and watched for the first morning light, in the hope of seeing the Polish army on the mountains. It was anxious waiting, but hope sustained them. The siege began in July; on the 11th of September some weary watchers were looking out from the ramparts to the mountain of the Kalimburg, when, oh, delightful sight! They saw something bright on the mountain side, and discerned the lances and armour of the brave Poles marching to the rescue. That very day Sobieski fought a bloody battle, defeated the Turks, and set Vienna free.

            In Christian thought, hope is one of the three theological virtues, the others being faith and charity (love). It is distinct from the latter two because it is directed exclusively toward the future, as fervent desire and confident expectation.[1] Consequently, whereas “love never ends,” hope is confined to man's life on Earth. Why then do people still lose what its only useful to them on earth alone, as it is said, give-up? Not only quitting today, but also loosing faith in tomorrow? Psychologists emphasize personality and emotional factors, while sociologists stress the influence of social and cultural pressures on the individual, which oftentimes leads to suicide or its attempt, but I view it that all of them are base on quitting hoping!

            The ancient Greeks used the term hope (elpis) in reference to an ambiguous, open-ended future; but the Resurrection of Jesus Christ gave the term, for Christians, a positive expectation and a moral quality. Throughout the New Testament, Christian hope is closely tied to the ultimate hope of the return of Jesus Christ as the judge of the living and the dead. Yet this eschatological hope does not eliminate intermediate hopes for lesser goods, even for material blessings.[2]
            Hope acts in the future; it distils joy in the present by reason of that which it sees in the future. Hope does bring joy, it irradiates the present; trials, struggles, temptations, defeats, are all made radiant by hopefulness. Not only is it an active state, but under certain circumstances it is a state that beds itself in, or is upheld by, the condition of patience, as if patience were a candlestick, and hope were the candle. It is looking at things in the future in a bright and cheerful light - the light of happiness.

            When hope is not enough is when our patience, waiting, futuristic desire could not hold one again. It comes unknowingly when we are tired of waiting or expecting what we hoped for in the future. It happens when we conclude that if we can’t have it now, there is nothing else to be living for! Here is how hope justifies patience.
            What relationship do you think hope can not be enough to make it work? Loosing hope in any relationship means one is no longer ready to work it out. It not only letting it go but involve the energy sapping letting go of any emotion accompanying such relationship, which is tantamount to severing a part of one’s life!
            What situation do you think hope is not enough to change? As the saying goes, there is no hopeless situation, only hopeless people; are you quitting hope or you want to be among those few people that have hope against hope?
            Don’t lose all hope on that child, because I know hopes always wait long enough to see the change desired. It’s not yet time to quit that job, yes its not easy but still to it… don’t be a quitter for you not one but someone who could hit the curve balls thrown at him/her to eliminate him.
            Before one can have a hope that is enough, one must have a ground to expect it; the surest of which is God. He has hope in you to deliver and fulfill your mandate, you are part of his plan and not only that, you are crucial to His plan. Yes, what you are seeing now does not show it, but many are the things we don’t see but are sure of… oxygen is one; yet we have faith it is there! God is! He is not hopeless about you, so don’t be about your issues.

Like Tonto Dike, a Nollywood actress that attempted suicide few weeks ago said, suicide is never the solution to any problem. This is for those who are contemplating it.


[1]Hope(2012). Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite.  Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
[2] Ibid.

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