Friday, 18 April 2014

Why I Hate Wedding Planners!

Now I can say I hate event planners! Yes, like some other profession I dislike them, why? Because they make you believe that ALL WEDDING CEREMONY MUST BE PLAN BIG.

One of the reasons for late marriage and heart breaking is the idea that EVERY WEDDING MUST BE PLAN BIG.

The success of your marriage is not how much you spend on the marriage preparation but your input at home after the wedding. Satan has deceived many that until they kill cow, go to UK for wedding shopping, Dubai honey moon or expensive wedding then they have not done wedding.

According to the word of God, the real wedding is paying of the dowry as Jesus Himself attended at Cana of Galilee. It is traditional wedding where the both family gives their consent. Why would you borrow money to organize an expensive wedding? Wisdom is needed here. If you killed 10 cows on your wedding day and you cooked 10 bags of rice, then people will still complain that the food are not enough and if you cooked half bag of rice and ₦5000 meat then people will still complain as well. You need to apply wisdom.

If you have a child of God that you wish to marry then go and see each other’s family and your pastor and organize a low key wedding, all you need is God’s blessing on your weeding. I know a man of God in Lagos Nigeria that has thousands of members and he will allow the couple to come to the pulpit to announce their wedding to the members on Sunday where all gathered then no need for an invitation card and the wedding is fix on Sunday and everyone is gathered. The man of God joined them and the members come with gifts for the couple. The reception is done after the service and those that want to attend are entertained. That is wedding.

Many are waiting for the day they will have millions in their account before they do their wedding but the money will never came. Many are cohabiting and waiting till they hit it big before they organize wedding and now they have their fourth child and no wedding yet. Apply wisdom and put the devil to shame. IF YOU HAVE ALL THE MILLION TO SPEND TO ORGANIZE BIG WEDDING THEN GO AHEAD BUT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THEN CUT YOUR COAT ACCORDING TO YOUR CLOTHE.

Marriage is honorable so say the holy book. Marriage carries its blessing. Some people will labour as a single but it’s been planned by God that their breakthrough will come after wedding as the bible says TWO ARE BETTER THAN ONE. But the devil put a road block of idea of expensive wedding but no money to do it. They break with their spouse and the spouse carries the favour to another person.

Let your eyes be open and deliver yourself from the idea of I MUST ORGANIZED AN EXPENSIVE WEDDING.

Written by Pastor Benson Adeoye

Note: No matter what you think, I don't hate wedding planners but the concept of all wedding being big!

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