I’m a
Single Parent, and It’s Breaking My Heart

So many
nights come and go and all I want is to lay there in that bed again and laugh
with the kids’ mom about how funny 4-year-old Henry was today at the park. I
want us to relive how brilliant our 6-year-old Violet appears to us when she
stands in the kitchen and tells us one of her beautiful stories. Together, I
dream of us watching Charlie, our little man of just a year and a half, as he
wanders around the early morning kitchen, pulling stuff off the shelves and
wreaking sweet glorious havoc down all over our coffee time.
those days are gone.
And so
what I’m left with, what we’re all left with, man/woman/and children, is this
storybook that still exists, but only in torn up pages tossed carelessly around
the room.
of me think that I ought to just get on with it. With all this #divorce
happening these days, why would anyone ever listen to the way I feel and give a
damn? They’d probably think I’m #weak or maybe too #romantic or something.
on with your life now,” a lot of people would tell me.
“What’s done
is done, dude.”
isn’t done for me though.
I don’t care what anyone says, it simply isn’t done.
I was born once long ago when my mom brought me into this world. Then I was
born three more times when I watched my kids be born themselves. So don’t tell
me to just move on. Some people find it easy to forget all about something as
epic as all those real and wonderful dreams that come along with the birth of
your babies. Some people can move right past the idea that this was going to be
a family forever.
other people, people like me, I guess, we can’t do that at all.
before you present or sign those divorce papers, think on what you desire: Did you want your family to last or give up on those memories?
appeared at Babble By Serge Bielanko
Your views and thoughts are most welcome...
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