Sunday, 4 May 2014


July 27, 2011. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew my life was about to change.

After 9 months of pregnancy, on the night of his due date, my son started to make his move into the world. My wife’s labour took all of 4 hours, and he was here. All 8.7lbs of him. Long and healthy. It’s amazing that the time has flown by so quickly.

He’s going to be 3 this July, and in a recent conversation with a friend I started recapping the ways being a father has changed my perspective on life, for the better.

1. I Love My Parents Even More Now Not that I didn’t love them before, because despite how life has played out for them, they managed to love and keep me alive, provided the best opportunity and education they could afford. Any failure in this regard is squarely on my shoulders. Thinking about all that is required to raise one child, much less 5, or in the case of my dad 7; I tip my hat to them.

2. I Really Respect Single Parents A job designed for 2, now resting on one person’s shoulders. You know a parenting job has been done well when you see a well-rounded child. Knowing what that single parent must have gone through… respect to them! Hands-on parents know the difficulty experienced in just trying to cook a meal, iron clothes, take out the garbage. Really simple tasks, with young children around, ain’t easy.

3. I Enjoy the Simple Life Staying home, going to the park, participating in pre-K swimming classes, fending off shadow monsters, knowing every program on Treehouse TV, being present for family. It’s great, healthy, safe and makes me feel happy. In my past life I was proverbial bachelor–a person my friends thought “will never get married and will probably die alone.” I considered a 1-bedroom apartment sufficient for my life’s experiences. I had a large circle of friends and enjoyed the gatherings and annual celebrations. To top it off, I was in the event production business, and was always at nightly events, promoting or networking. Now I work from home, and hardly have the time to attend any events, unless it’s for a client, family member or good friend.

4. There Are Only 2 Types of People in This World Before I became a father, I already had 5 god children. I wasn’t sure what my friends were identifying with in my character. I was a bachelor, and a free-spirited individual. But what I quickly discovered is that parents and people with no kids can often be so divergent and opposite. No amount of babysitting and taking care of your godchildren or nieces/nephews can prepare you for the daily work of parenthood. Eventually the friends without children, whether they were in a relationship or married or not… drifted away. Our support circle is now full of young parents like ourselves who are trying to figure our way through this parenting thing.

5. Unconditional Love is Real Love I have been in love many times. I love my family and my friends. But that love is different, and can never supersede the love I have for my son. This protective nature, the caring, discipline, teaching and learning, is priceless. Simple things that my child does amuses and entertains me beyond belief. I started to wonder why I didn’t have a child years ago. The answer: I didn’t find the right woman to put up with me.

Now I have a great and communicative partner who makes the job of raising this child possibly one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had in my entire life. He is a blessing. Full of personality and a mirror for all things good and bad in my life. He teaches me far more than I ever will teach him.

Will we have a second child? Only the big guy upstairs can answer that question. But if it does happen it feels good knowing that he or she will enter this loving space that we are trying to foster and maintain.

Written by Roger Dundas

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