Sunday, 23 March 2014



I thought it’s a long gone issue that women are not a piece of property to be owned.
But am really ashamed to say that some men in this generation still has some form of the same mentality that make the whole world tag Africa backward or third-world continent, or even suggest the appellation The Black Continent! Though this is not all about men from Africa!

I am not a Feminist. I must confess I don’t know what that really means in it totality not because am black and dull, but because I care less to know. I believe in freedom and also in corresponding responsibility. Standing on the basis of my Faith (what you may refer to as religion, which to me is a way of life), I see all humans as equal and accountable to the Supreme Being.
My faith may suggest a male world syndrome at a glance, but on closer understanding and following the revelational truths therein, it balance the equation and set the standard for what the maker of all is trying to do or desiring us to see and do. Someone had responded to the Chinese leader’s summation that the European woman will save the world; by concluding that two wrongs don’t make a right, we can’t shift from male world to female world, WE ONLY NEED TO FIND THE BALANCE... can I suggest the balance to be the whole HUMANITY: either male or female?

To the main point of this write-up, does a man own his wife?
I will try and answer through my faith: the answer simply is NO!
Because the maker doesn’t plan it that way, and our beginning show that is true. How the male world alone emerge I still haven’t know, but some say it is through the era called the Dark Ages.
Many believe that Sarah, and example of an ancient woman that knew her role and position, called her husband lord, an indication that that is the same thing the slaves and many servant of this powerful ancient man call him too. But the same holy writings demarcated the line by giving divine arrangement of expectations from both sex’s psychology: Man need respect, therefore, woman, respect him; woman need true love, therefore, Man, love him. I believe this has not change until today.

But some men need to understand what respect is. The last time I checked, respect isn’t the same thing with domination, which according to my faith is witchcraft; we are not to dominate other Human-beings, but other creatures which are even demanding for care and tenderness. Therefore, Sarah’s lordship of Abraham is respect and not a form of male domination.

Let me end it here that, four generation after Abraham and Sarah, one of their descendants show the mind of the maker when he show what his understanding of the maker’s mind is about one’s wife (albeit which was learned from his fore fathers). This is Joseph the first Prime Minister in Egypt. When he was in potiphar’s house as a slave, the wife of his master asked him to sleep with her, but he refused. His famous speech of refusal answered primarily our question of discussion here:
Look, my master does not have to concern himself with anything in the house, because I am here. He has put me in charge of EVERYTHING he owns. I have as much authority as he has, and he has not kept back anything from except you![1]
In essence, what he means was: though I’m the chief servant here, and in charge of ALL of my master’s property, you as his wife are not part of the property, because YOU ARE A WIFE NOT SOMETHING TO BE OWNED, therefore, you are not in my power or reach to care for!
Therefore, even the uncivilized, ancient men who knew the mind of the maker knows full well that wives are not property to be owned, and even as some powerful female do too, man are not to be owned, (some own males to just have their seed and be able to make babies), but no!

Wives are never owned! Anything short of this is a deviation from the maker’s plan that naturally put balance in each relationship.

[1] Holy Bible: Genesis 39:8-9

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