“I’m a single, college guy so how
bout some articles on creative, free
dates or something. I’m sure this
could apply to married men as well.”

Great question — I particularly love
it because it’s something that I’ve
become good at myself over the
years. Yes, I’m a cheapskate, but I’m
also a bit of a romantic. So I’ve had to
get creative in order to win my date
over without spending too much.
What follows are just some ideas —
the key is to use your imagination,
and you’ll be able to come up with a
bunch of your own.
But here are
some that have worked for me, and that I hope
work for you:
Picnic. One of my favorites. I like to
pack a basket with home-made
sandwiches (really hearty, good
ones with good bread), fruits,
cheese, desserts, candies, wine,
snacks and all the utensils and
napkins. Find a great spot for the
picnic — sunset is probably the most
romantic time.
Treasure hunt. Another favorite. I
set this up beforehand, writing clues
on pieces of paper and leaving them
all around town. Each clue led to the
next, and at the end was a gift. You’ll
have a blast driving around. It’s best
if the places and clues are
meaningful to the two of you.
Home-cooked meal with candles.
A specialty of mine. Even if you can
only cook one thing well, you’ve got
it made. Pasta or steaks are easy and
sure bets (although I don’t eat steak
anymore). A good dessert tops it off
well. The candles are a nice touch.
Pick some flowers too. Most women
love a man who can cook, especially
for them.
Massage. This is most likely only
appropriate if you’ve been going out
for a few dates, but if you’re close
enough for a good massage, this will
win her over. Get some scented
massage oil. Do the entire body,
starting with the head, down to the
neck, the back, legs and feet.
The beach. I live on an island, so
this one’s easy. If you don’t have a
beach, any other nice natural setting,
like lake or river or mountain, will
also work. You can pack a picnic, or
just get some bathing suits and
some beer and have a great time.
Festivals. Look in your local paper …
you might find all kinds of festivals,
from movies to dance to desserts
and more. They cost very little, and
they are a blast. Walk around, make
jokes, sample everything.
Old movie marathon. Nothing’s
more romantic than great old
movies. Rent a bunch of them on
DVD, pop some popcorn, get some
candy, and watch them in your living
room wrapped in blankets. A few
sure-fire recommendations:
Casablanca, Roman Holiday, Some
Like It Hot, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, hell
anything with Audrey Hepburn.
Window shopping. Walk around
and look at stuff at some of your
favorite stores — antique stores,
used bookstores, unique clothing.
Try stuff on. Make fun of stuff. Make it
Watch meteors. Get a blanket and
look up at the stars. It’s best if
there’s a meteor shower — shooting
stars are magical. Otherwise, learn a
few constellations and point them
out to her. Ponder the mysteries of
the universe.
Play in the snow or water. If
you’ve got snow,
you’ve got magic.
Otherwise, a pool or ocean or lake
are also great ways to play. Playful is
good. So is a little innocent physical
contact. Roll around!
Museum. I love museums. They’re
fascinating. If the girl thinks they’re
fascinating too, you’ve got a winner.
Zoos are fun too.
Also carnivals.
cotton candy.
Family barbecues. If you’ve been
on a couple dates, you might be
comfortable bringing her to a family
gathering. A casual one like a
barbecue is probably better to start
with than Thanksgiving dinner or
something. Although, going to a
wedding is also fun. Barbecues are
great because there’s good food and
it’s free! Also, if your family is a lot of
fun, you’ve got free entertainment!
Shakespeare. I like watching plays,
especially by the Bard. If the girl
likes that too … well, she’s worth her
weight in gold, as far as I’m
concerned. And Shakespeare is very
romantic. Quote her some lines
Sundaes. Delicious and fun. Share
Poetry reading. These can be a lot
of fun, especially if you have a poem
you can go up and read. Write one
especially for her and tell everyone
it’s dedicated to her.
Poetry can be very romantic (unless
it’s the angry kind, in which case it’s
a lot of fun).
Again, you can probably come up
with a million more of your own
I hope these spark some good
Your views are most welcome...
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