Wednesday, 11 November 2015



There are so many reasons and divers ways we fail our children as ‪#‎parents‬, but one rampant way that I will love to discuss here today is: To try to be your child's friend rather than his parent.

This is a common mistake that parents make, particularly as their kids get older. All parents want to be liked and loved by their kids, and to be thought of as "cool" is especially desirable to some parents — so it can be easy to slip into the "friend" role, rather than the "parent" role.

Being authoritative – using your years and accumulated

knowledge to explain to your children – is different from being authoritarian, someone who says, 'My way or the highway.'

Sue Hubbard, M.D., pediatrician and host of "The Kid’s Doctor" radio show, says that it’s critical to remain a parent, especially when it comes to setting boundaries.

The rate of alcohol and drug use in teens is climbing, and Dr. Hubbard feels that "part of that may be due to the fact that parents want to be ‘their child’s friend’ rather than parent. It is often easier to say yes than no, and parents seem to turn a blind eye at times to the use of alcohol and drugs (especially weed) in their own homes. The scary part of this: alcohol is the leading cause of death among teenagers."

While some parents may feel that the safest place to experiment with substances is in the home, being too permissive about alcohol or drug use can backfire, giving kids the idea that underage drinking or drinking itself is ok as long as it’s at home. "You must set an example...," says Dr. Hubbard, "...Children watch their parents from very young ages, and they know what coming home drunk looks like."

Overly permissive parenting can be a concern in other areas, not just the drug and alcohol realm. Your attitude to dressing (fashion or fashion trends), to sex (Pre-marital sex and Post-marital sex which is fornication and adultery respectively) and Marriage will determine the stand your kids will take.

Be permissive, and you may end up having them have babies out of wedlock or become single-parent, or divorcee... Parent permissiveness increases the probability of all these in their children!

Finding your way between being an authority figure and being a confidant can be tricky, but it’s an important balance to strike. Being authoritative – using your years and accumulated knowledge to explain to your children – is different from being authoritarian, someone who says, "My way or the highway."

It's not hard to guess which has the more lasting beneficial effect on a teenager or young child.

When we fail to take a firm stand about these and many more moral issues and also let them know the reasons and or the consequences plus the rewards of better choices, we fail them. When they get to know themselves it might be too late and the friendship we try to protect will forever become hatred because we disappoint them in ways we are able to help them.



Your views and thoughts are most welcome...

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