Saturday, 23 May 2015




In our last post someone asked if it is good to be having quarrels/ misunderstandings in a love relationship, or if its a sign that the relationship won't work. I replied the question and I feel like sharing the answer with you. This question makes me remember this scene from the film #THE_NOTEBOOK:

"We are already fighting
Yes we are... That's what we do.
You tell me when am being arrogant...
and I tell you when you are being a pain in the ass...
Am not afraid to hurt your feelings...
But we have to work on this...
I want you. I want all of you.
Forever. Every seconds."

#Misunderstandings are good if they are use in the right way for the right reasons. Many marriages crashed because they try NOT to #quarrel... (though it is impossible not to quarrel) in which case one party became victimized and when she/he can't take it no more... They Quit. I have never met a #perfect_match that never disagree on one thing, who still last a life-time in marriage. We are created different We have different background and upbringing We have different world view therefore We can't make the same submission though We must arrive at the same conclusion.

One important rule for intending couples is never to accept now what you will in future reject. Or reject now what you will in future accept.
 (even for married couples of 0-5yrs in marriage). 

Don't because of trying to avoid misunderstanding keep quiet... If you know you can bear it, now and forever, You can keep quiet, but if not... Dear speak out to let it be iron out and settled. But if it can't be settled please forget the relationship (if its in marriage you - both husband and wife- must find ALL possible ways to resolve it... Because they have failed to iron it out in their courtship, one of the two may bear the consequence or the two share it). The only unacceptable thing is to continue to have arguments and misunderstandings on the SAME ISSUE ALL THE TIME. This in itself is a testament that that particular issue has not been iron out thoroughly... and its a deal-breaker!

Misunderstandings and quarrels are great compass that test every love relationship, and the outcome of which tell us the lifespan of such relationship, if both parties involved are truthful to themself.

God bless you.


Your views and thoughts are most welcome...

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