Friday, 4 December 2015



A woman can see a naked handsome man fifty times, yet she might not lose her sense. Whereas, if a half naked beautiful woman passes by a man once, his pace would be distorted. Meanwhile, fifty casual touches may not move a man while a single gentle touch can cause disarray in a woman’s life. What a man’s touch is to a woman, the nakedness of a woman is to man!

An average man is tempted everywhere; he looks at a carelessly dressed lady, be it in the office, school, internet, T.V, movies, billboards or magazines. It is now unfortunate that the only safe place an average man can sleep and close his two eyes, the church, is no longer secure, all in the name of, ‘come as you are’ or ‘it’s the heart that matters’ cliché.

If not all women, for we can not talk of others who has a different moral standard, at least Christian women should be very careful not to make men stumble because of how they dress. It is not easy for a man to touch a woman anyhow, so their possibility of tempting a woman through touch as women tempt men through their sight is abysmally low. Therefore, when men come to church, they should be able to have a quality break from this assault, and be able to rest.

However, immodest dressing cannot be ELIMINATED, it can only be reduced. So, men must learn to discipline their eyes and control their sexual urges in this age of immodesty. You cannot control what others wear, but you can control what your eyes feed on.

# oluthomas_Sharing_the_Love

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Why this post?
“I Love You,” is a simple word that is presupposes to be understood by everyone, even babies, but, sincerely speaking I believe that the 3 words are the most misunderstood, and or most under-understood.

If I may ask you as a reader what does I Love means to you?

Yes take a sec. to think. But while you are thinking let me tell you what I believe “I love you” is and does means. And how best to use it, and accept it when it is used on us.

Sincerely, the phrase is just a STATEMENT of feelings and opinion of someone about you. It might be wrong or right, that is left for you to find out.

There are other situations that it might means a response, from a grateful heart to actions or words received.

Therefore, I Love You is a response to what one feels and thinks about you, your actions, words, kindness etc.

The problem is, “I Love You” is not an objective statement, it is very subjective, and can change if and when what necessitate the feelings of expressing it in the first place changes. This means I Love You need to be maintained and sustained either by what necessitate it in the first place or by other things. For example, the centre of attraction that might necessitate a man to say the words might be something related to the physical, (complexion, shape etc) but it might be sustain by the lady’s show of other sides to her like intelligence, diligence etc.

Many have make this error… in trying very hard initially to gain this response from the other, while lacking the will to continually pursue those things in order to continue to receive those responses. This is what is later known as Hypocrisy or Pretense.

How best to use I Love You is to be ready to continually do those things that you are doing that best guarantee you a positive result in response. The gifts must not stop, the time spending and sharing must not reduce if not increased, the thoughtful things and selflessness in taking care first of him/her must not change in the future to the ME with capital letters.

This is the absolute responsibility of saying those 3 words!
This is what is called COMMITMENT!
So if you are not ready don’t say it!

# oluthomas_Sharing_the_Love

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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Before You Seek to meet the Next Person off-line

Before You Seek to meet the Next Person off-line

I spent a good part of a week recently getting to know a new woman online, and I could sense the potential. I could admire her good looks, dark eyes, and flashing wit. And yet there was something that wasn’t coming across. I couldn’t decipher it right away. I was hopeful and encouraged by our promising start. And her persistence in getting back together again the next day. “Spontaneously.” I loved that. “Yes, yes, yes,” it said to my brain.

But …

In my joyous engagement I was missing something from her that I couldn’t identify. I thought I was listening well, responding well, and behaving well. I thought we were moving things along nicely. But I could only make those assumptions about myself and my own thinking. While she was sharing a lot about life and asking a lot of questions about me, she wasn’t really lighting up. She was … reserved. She admitted to being an introvert, and I initially thought, “Oh, that’ll be interesting, to see how I am in relationship to an introvert.”

And even in the real world, with all of our faculties between us, the miss between us was something deeper. After three meetings and the promise of an actual “date” for the weekend ahead, I was feeling good and yet still mixed. I walked away from our last meeting wondering, “Am I the one pushing this one along? Am I making this one happen? Am I trying to invent my lover?”

The next morning, she pinged me saying she’d considered our time together and felt it wasn’t going to be a match for her. She was canceling the date. And she would catch up with me spontaneously as the occasion might arise in the future.
I was disappointed, but not totally surprised.

I had been feeling the miss, but I was trying to force it to be a match. I wanted “her” to work. And that’s when I understood it was time to kill my online dating profiles. I WANT a relationship too much. My focus has gotten lost in all this browsing, assessing, and pursuit. What I really need to pursue is my dream and my creative output. I am confident that if I do that, the rest will follow.

I have time for a relationship. I have the will and the energy. And if I want to meet a match, I need to put myself and my life in the places where “she” already is. In real life, not online.

Sure, I will have another great love. But first, I must become the great lover I hope to meet, by becoming large enough to call her in, without the help of a dating site.
Always Love,

written by John McElhenney

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Wednesday, 11 November 2015



"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow, but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?"

Thanks to the Father, the Source & Sustainer, who has brought us thus far...
Rejoice with us as we Celebrate Our Marriage Anniversary!!!


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There are so many reasons and divers ways we fail our children as ‪#‎parents‬, but one rampant way that I will love to discuss here today is: To try to be your child's friend rather than his parent.

This is a common mistake that parents make, particularly as their kids get older. All parents want to be liked and loved by their kids, and to be thought of as "cool" is especially desirable to some parents — so it can be easy to slip into the "friend" role, rather than the "parent" role.

Being authoritative – using your years and accumulated

knowledge to explain to your children – is different from being authoritarian, someone who says, 'My way or the highway.'

Sue Hubbard, M.D., pediatrician and host of "The Kid’s Doctor" radio show, says that it’s critical to remain a parent, especially when it comes to setting boundaries.

The rate of alcohol and drug use in teens is climbing, and Dr. Hubbard feels that "part of that may be due to the fact that parents want to be ‘their child’s friend’ rather than parent. It is often easier to say yes than no, and parents seem to turn a blind eye at times to the use of alcohol and drugs (especially weed) in their own homes. The scary part of this: alcohol is the leading cause of death among teenagers."

While some parents may feel that the safest place to experiment with substances is in the home, being too permissive about alcohol or drug use can backfire, giving kids the idea that underage drinking or drinking itself is ok as long as it’s at home. "You must set an example...," says Dr. Hubbard, "...Children watch their parents from very young ages, and they know what coming home drunk looks like."

Overly permissive parenting can be a concern in other areas, not just the drug and alcohol realm. Your attitude to dressing (fashion or fashion trends), to sex (Pre-marital sex and Post-marital sex which is fornication and adultery respectively) and Marriage will determine the stand your kids will take.

Be permissive, and you may end up having them have babies out of wedlock or become single-parent, or divorcee... Parent permissiveness increases the probability of all these in their children!

Finding your way between being an authority figure and being a confidant can be tricky, but it’s an important balance to strike. Being authoritative – using your years and accumulated knowledge to explain to your children – is different from being authoritarian, someone who says, "My way or the highway."

It's not hard to guess which has the more lasting beneficial effect on a teenager or young child.

When we fail to take a firm stand about these and many more moral issues and also let them know the reasons and or the consequences plus the rewards of better choices, we fail them. When they get to know themselves it might be too late and the friendship we try to protect will forever become hatred because we disappoint them in ways we are able to help them.



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Why Sex is Overrated and Love is the New Black

Why Sex is Overrated and Love is the New Black

It starts from the moment you lay eyes on her. Apparently, you’ve all of three seconds from that point to leave your mark… smile… approach… say something! From then– their first words unfortunately birthing their last. Others, however, will successfully graduate to the next stage, strolling into the “what’s your name? Age? Job?” interrogation, but yet still fall at the final hurdle—No number… No Pin (I’m old school!) And then there are the lucky ones, call them the charmers…players…brothers with a little game…. They may move to gain her acceptance, but what next? A few raunchy messages followed by a steamy late-night conversation or two… First Date… Second… First kiss… Mind blowing sex? That’s what you see in the movies right?

As clichéd as the above scenario may be, it’s one that never ceases to make me chuckle. Unlike the constant horde of glorified images and sexual innuendos we are bombarded with every day via the media or even the embellished banter that happens to strike up at lunch with the girls in the staff canteen, sex in real life just isn’t the same–try taking it down a FEW pegs! I mean, the woman that swears she always has multiple orgasms, or the guy that boasts he’ll last till six in the morning… Really? OK, I confess, I do, but that’s a whole other convo!

I’d be lying if I told you that I loathed the act—not in the slightest. It’s a blessing to be able to cradle in the arms of the one you love and experience the heights of pleasure and intimacy that sex can bring to a relationship. But unless there is anything substantial between the pair of you, just like the high of a drug or the intoxication of alcohol, the euphoria will simply last for a while and with time eventually subside. Hence why the feelings of remorse often kick into play the moment he’s turned over and shut his eyes. For many, the most distressing fact is that premarital-sex will usually signal the beginning of the end. It’s as if all the spoken words, hours consumed, pennies spent up until those precious three minutes of elation slowly grind to a halt afterwards.

Which begs the question—if it’s only going to be a temporary bliss that will inevitably leave us feeling discontent later—why? Was it worth it? The LBD, the fresh trim, your unpaid phone bill? How about your purity? Or in some instances, your sanity? Heck, your life!

So as I was shaping up my bald patch at the barber shop a number of years back, the subject of women came up—-a novelty. In my naiveté, I regretfully interjected, suggesting that maybe sex was a little overrated, that maybe their recollections of events were somewhat distorted, a few numbers and timescales inflated, that sort of thing. “You’re clearly just not doing it right,” one joked, as the others laughed. I joined in the heckles to keep face, but within, something stirred, a rippling effect, as feelings of inadequacy and doubt began to pulsate from my core. I guess boys will always be boys, but with years gone by—a ring on the finger, a little more mileage on the clock—I’d like to think that things might just go a little deeper and better than that.

I’m no guru, but I have come to realize that when we have sex with another person we communicate with them in a number of ways–physically with our bodies, emotionally with our hearts and spiritually with our souls.

Sex is everywhere. It sells everything. Everything from the 10-packed freak on the front cover of Men’s Health claiming that he has the “5 Keys to Give Her the Big O”, to the melting yolk of my Cadbury’s crème egg. There is clearly no shortage of exposure to what sex is in its physical form. And from time to time, things do even out somewhat, as the Drakes and the (insert your favorite female R&B singer here)’s—think of this world as they let us in to some of love’s emotional side effects.

However, aside from the weekly debates at the Christian Union fellowships that I sparsely attended during my Uni days, I rarely heard much, if anything, about a spiritual connotation. Though Pastor did warn us to abstain. Simply, “God said so!” And at age 13, I cringed as mother sat me down to fill me in on the birds and the bees. The conversation was brief. “You’re a man now?” she patronized, adopting that localized Lagosian twang, before proceeding to tell me that sex before marriage was a grotesque sin, and that all sinners went to hell. “Heaven’s forbid that you get a girl pregnant!” she harped.

 So, grasping the three voices of sex—the physical, emotional and spiritual—can go a long way to achieving the ultimate climax in a relationship. The physical is definitely the dangerous ingredient in this trio, but even then:

the best sex won’t make up for a dead relationship that seriously lacks in every other department.

I know the whole settling down with kids and the detached suburban house dream doesn’t appeal to all, but how many more hearts will be broken? How many more sores need to break out? And how many more blameless fetuses will we unjustly abort, before we begin to realize that it’s all just vanity? Trust me. Minus the sores, I’ve been there.

In reality, things aren’t clear cut; it’s all a lot easier said than done. “I’m still young, let me live,” one says, whilst another interjects, “I’m just having a little fun, I ain’t hurting nobody.” And I’m sure there are plenty of guys (and girls) out there who would agree. Many of whom will continue to head to the bars and restaurants this evening, squandering their wages, all in the hope that they’ll bag a suitor for the night.

But what next? I guess we can always do the same the following weekend, right? We’ll recite the same lyrics and fritter away even more cash, repeating the cycle, only to become appalled all over again.

We only live once, right? And who am I to judge? As they say in this world, each to their own!

Originally appeared at Shy Boy Diaries written by Banji Makanjuola

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